Source code for elliot.prefiltering.standard_prefilters

import pandas as pd
from types import SimpleNamespace

    strategy: global_threshold|user_average|user_k_core|item_k_core|iterative_k_core|n_rounds_k_core|cold_users
    threshold: 3|average
    core: 5
    rounds: 2

[docs]class PreFilter:
[docs] @staticmethod def filter(d: pd.DataFrame, ns: SimpleNamespace) -> pd.DataFrame: if not hasattr(ns, "prefiltering"): return d ns = ns.prefiltering strategy = getattr(ns, "strategy", None) data = d.copy() if strategy == "global_threshold": threshold = getattr(ns, "threshold", None) if threshold is not None: if str(threshold).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_threshold(data, threshold) elif threshold == "average": data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_global_average(data) else: raise Exception("Threshold value not recognized") else: raise Exception("Threshold option is missing") elif strategy == "user_average": data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_user_average(data) elif strategy == "user_k_core": core = getattr(ns, "core", None) if core is not None: if str(core).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_users_by_profile_size(data, core) else: raise Exception("Core option is not a digit") else: raise Exception("Core option is missing") elif strategy == "item_k_core": core = getattr(ns, "core", None) if core is not None: if str(core).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_items_by_popularity(data, core) else: raise Exception("Core option is not a digit") else: raise Exception("Core option is missing") elif strategy == "iterative_k_core": core = getattr(ns, "core", None) if core is not None: if str(core).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_iterative_k_core(data, core) else: raise Exception("Core option is not a digit") else: raise Exception("Core option is missing") elif strategy == "n_rounds_k_core": core = getattr(ns, "core", None) n_rounds = getattr(ns, "rounds", None) if (core is not None) and (n_rounds is not None): if str(core).isdigit() and str(n_rounds).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_rounds_k_core(data, core, n_rounds) else: raise Exception("Core or rounds options are not digits") else: raise Exception("Core or rounds options are missing") elif strategy == "cold_users": threshold = getattr(ns, "threshold", None) if threshold is not None: if str(threshold).isdigit(): data = PreFilter.filter_retain_cold_users(data, threshold) else: raise Exception("Threshold option is not a digit") else: raise Exception("Threshold option is missing") else: raise Exception("Misssing strategy") return data
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_ratings_by_global_average(d: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() threshold = data["rating"].mean() print("\nPrefiltering with Global Average") print(f"The rating average is {round(threshold, 1)}") print(f"The transactions above threshold are {data[data['rating'] >= threshold]['rating'].count()}") print(f"The transactions below threshold are {data[data['rating'] < threshold]['rating'].count()}") return data[data["rating"] >= threshold]
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_ratings_by_threshold(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() print("\nPrefiltering with fixed threshold") print(f"The rating threshold is {round(threshold, 1)}") print(f"The transactions above threshold are {data[data['rating'] >= threshold]['rating'].count()}") print(f"The transactions below threshold are {data[data['rating'] < threshold]['rating'].count()}\n") return data[data["rating"] >= threshold]
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_ratings_by_user_average(d: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() user_groups = data.groupby(['userId']) for name, group in user_groups: threshold = group["rating"].mean() data.loc[group.index, 'accept_flag'] = data.loc[group.index, 'rating'] >= threshold print("\nPrefiltering with user average") print(f"The transactions above threshold are {data[data['accept_flag']]['rating'].count()}") print(f"The transactions below threshold are {data[data['accept_flag'] == False]['rating'].count()}\n") return data[data["accept_flag"] == True].drop(columns=["accept_flag"]).reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_users_by_profile_size(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() print(f"\nPrefiltering with user {threshold}-core") print(f"The transactions before filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The users before filtering are {data['userId'].nunique()}") user_groups = data.groupby(['userId']) data = user_groups.filter(lambda x: len(x) >= threshold) print(f"The transactions after filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The users after filtering are {data['userId'].nunique()}") return data
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_items_by_popularity(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() print(f"\nPrefiltering with item {threshold}-core") print(f"The transactions before filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The items before filtering are {data['itemId'].nunique()}") item_groups = data.groupby(['itemId']) data = item_groups.filter(lambda x: len(x) >= threshold) print(f"The transactions after filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The items after filtering are {data['itemId'].nunique()}") return data
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_iterative_k_core(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() check_var = True original_length = len(data) print("\n**************************************") print(f"Iterative {threshold}-core") while check_var: data = PreFilter.filter_users_by_profile_size(data, threshold) data = PreFilter.filter_items_by_popularity(data, threshold) new_length = len(data) if original_length == new_length: check_var = False else: original_length = new_length print("**************************************\n") return data
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_rounds_k_core(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold, n_rounds) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() print("\n**************************************") print(f"{n_rounds} rounds of user/item {threshold}-core") for i in range(n_rounds): print(f"Iteration:\t{i}") data = PreFilter.filter_users_by_profile_size(data, threshold) data = PreFilter.filter_items_by_popularity(data, threshold) print("**************************************\n") return data
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_retain_cold_users(d: pd.DataFrame, threshold) -> pd.DataFrame: data = d.copy() print(f"\nPrefiltering retaining cold users with {threshold} or less ratings") print(f"The transactions before filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The users before filtering are {data['userId'].nunique()}") user_groups = data.groupby(['userId']) data = user_groups.filter(lambda x: len(x) <= threshold) print(f"The transactions after filtering are {len(data)}") print(f"The users after filtering are {data['userId'].nunique()}") return data
# import unittest # # # # class NameSpaceModelTest(unittest.TestCase): # def setUp(self): # self.column_names = ['userId', 'itemId', 'rating'] # = pd.read_csv("../../data/example/trainingset.tsv", sep="\t", header=None, names=self.column_names) # # def test_global_average(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_global_average( # # def test_threshold(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_threshold(, 3) # # def test_user_average(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_ratings_by_user_average( # # def test_user_k_core(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_users_by_profile_size(, 10) # # def test_item_k_core(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_items_by_popularity(, 10) # # def test_iterative_k_core(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_iterative_k_core(, 10) # # def test_rounds_k_core(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_rounds_k_core(, 10, 2) # # def test_cold_users(self): # data = PreFilter.filter_retain_cold_users(, 10)