
If needed, it is possible to code a custom loader. To create your own loader, Elliot provides the abstract class AbstractLoader into the file abstract_loader.py belonging to the package



The init method is devoted to capture all the configuration fields provided by the loader section in configuration file and initialize the loader (read files, apply thresholds, create additional data structures).

Example: Suppose we want to create a side information loader for movie genres. The side information file is structured as a TSV file with no header. The first element of the row denotes the item id, whereas the other numbers indicate the ids of the genres.

item id














def __init__(self, users: t.Set, items: t.Set, ns: SimpleNamespace, logger: object):
    self.logger = logger
    self.attribute_file = getattr(ns, "attribute_file", None)
    self.users = users
    self.items = items
    self.map_ = self.load_attribute_file(self.attribute_file)
    self.items = self.items & set(self.map_.keys())

The __init__ (mandatory) method takes four mandatory arguments: users, items, the namespace, and the elliot general logger. In our example, the namespace corresponds to the piece of the configuration file that refers to our side information loader (form now on named ItemAttributes).

      - dataloader: ItemAttributes
        attribute_file: this/is/the/path.tsv

The __init__ method creates its local attributes and retrieve the necessary information from the namespace. Then, it loads the side information file and aligns it with users and items as provided by the Elliot pipeline.

The method get_mapped() (mandatory), returns a tuple of aligned users and items.

def get_mapped(self) -> t.Tuple[t.Set[int], t.Set[int]]:
    return self.users, self.items

The method filter (mandatory), provides the functionality of filtering users, items, and side information data structures based on the sets of users and items passed as arguments.

def filter(self, users, items):
    self.users = self.users & users
    self.items = self.items & items

Finally, the method create_namespace creates the namespace that will be passed to our recommendation algorithms. Be sure that the mandatory attributes (__name__, and object), and all the necessary data are present. Pay Attention! The name you choose here is the same you will use in your configuration file.

def create_namespace(self):
    ns = SimpleNamespace()
    ns.__name__ = "ItemAttributes" #MANDATORY
    ns.object = self #MANDATORY
    ns.feature_map = self.map_
    ns.features = list({f for i in self.items for f in ns.feature_map[i]})
    ns.nfeatures = len(ns.features)
    ns.private_features = {p: f for p, f in enumerate(ns.features)}
    ns.public_features = {v: k for k, v in ns.private_features.items()}
    return ns