Quick Start

Hello Word Cofiguration

Elliot’s entry point is the function run_experiment, which accepts a configuration file that drives the whole experiment. In the following, a sample configuration file is shown to demonstrate how a sample and explicit structure can generate a rigorous experiment.

from elliot.run import run_experiment


The following file is a simple configuration for an experimental setup. It contains all the instructions to get the MovieLens-1M catalog from a specific path and perform a train test split in a random sample way with a ratio of 20%.

This experiment provides a hyperparameter optimization with a grid search strategy for an Item-KNN model. Indeed, it is seen that the possible values of neighbors are closed in squared brackets. It indicates that two different models equipped with two different neighbors’ values will be trained and compared to select the best configuration. Moreover, this configuration obliges Elliot to save the recommendation lists with at most 10 items per user as suggest by top_k property.

In this basic experiment, only a simple metric is considered in the final evaluation study. The candidate metric is nDCG for a cutoff equal to top_k, unless otherwise noted.

  dataset: movielens_1m
    strategy: dataset
    dataset_path: ../data/movielens_1m/dataset.tsv
        strategy: random_subsampling
        test_ratio: 0.2
          hyper_opt_alg: grid
          save_recs: True
        neighbors: [50, 100]
        similarity: cosine
      simple_metrics: [nDCG]
    top_k: 10

Basic Configuration

In the first scenario, the experiments require comparing a group of RSs whose parameters are optimized via a grid-search.

The configuration specifies the data loading information, i.e., semantic features source files, in addition to the filtering and splitting strategies.

In particular, the latter supplies an entirely automated way of preprocessing the dataset, which is often a time-consuming and non-easily-reproducible phase.

The simple_metrics field allows computing accuracy and beyond-accuracy metrics, with two top-k cut-off values (5 and 10) by merely inserting the list of desired measures, e.g., [Precision, nDCG, …]. The knowledge-aware recommendation model, AttributeItemKNN, is compared against two baselines: Random and ItemKNN, along with a user-implemented model that is external.MostPop.

The configuration makes use of elliot’s feature of conducting a grid search-based hyperparameter optimization strategy by merely passing a list of possible hyperparameter values, e.g., neighbors: [50, 70, 100].

The reported models are selected according to nDCG@10.

To see the full configuration file please visit the following link_basic

To run the experiment use the following script_basic

Advanced Configuration

The second scenario depicts a more complex experimental setting. In the configuration, the user specifies an elaborate data splitting strategy, i.e., random_subsampling (for test splitting) and random_cross_validation (for model selection), by setting few splitting configuration fields.

The configuration does not provide a cut-off value, and thus a top-k field value of 50 is assumed as the cut-off.

Moreover, the evaluation section includes the UserMADrating metric.

Elliot considers it as a complex metric since it requires additional arguments.

The user also wants to implement a more advanced hyperparameter tuning optimization. For instance, regarding NeuMF, Bayesian optimization using Tree of Parzen Estimators is required (i.e., hyper_opt_alg: tpe) with a logarithmic uniform sampling for the learning rate search space.

Moreover, Elliot allows considering complex neural architecture search spaces by inserting lists of tuples. For instance, (32, 16, 8) indicates that the neural network consists of three hidden layers with 32, 16, and 8 units, respectively.

To see the full configuration file please visit the following link_advanced

To run the experiment use the following script_advanced