Source code for elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric

This is the implementation of the Precision metric.
It proceeds from a user-wise computation, and average the values over the users.

__version__ = '0.3.1'
__author__ = 'Vito Walter Anelli, Claudio Pomo'
__email__ = ','

import typing as t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

[docs]class BaseMetric(ABC): """ This class represents the implementation of the Precision recommendation metric. Passing 'Precision' to the metrics list will enable the computation of the metric. """ def __init__(self, recommendations, config, params, evaluation_objects, additional_data=None): """ Constructor :param recommendations: list of recommendations in the form {user: [(item1,value1),...]} :param cutoff: numerical threshold to limit the recommendation list :param relevant_items: list of relevant items (binary) per user in the form {user: [item1,...]} """ self._recommendations: t.Dict[int, t.List[t.Tuple[int, float]]] = recommendations self._config = config self._params = params self._evaluation_objects = evaluation_objects self._additional_data = additional_data
[docs] @abstractmethod def name(self): pass
[docs] def eval(self): return np.average(list(self.eval_user_metric().values()))
[docs] @staticmethod def needs_full_recommendations(): return False
[docs] def get(self): return [self]