Source code for elliot.evaluation.relevance.relevance

Module description:


__version__ = '0.3.1'
__author__ = 'Vito Walter Anelli, Claudio Pomo, Alejandro Bellogín'
__email__ = ',,'

import typing as t
import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class Relevance(object): def __init__(self, test, rel_threshold): self._test = test self._rel_threshold = rel_threshold self._binary_relevance = None self._discounted_relevance = None
[docs] def get_test(self): return self._test
############## Discounted relevance ############## @property def discounted_relevance(self): if self._discounted_relevance is None: self._discounted_relevance = DiscountedRelevance(self._test, self._rel_threshold) return self._discounted_relevance ############## Binary relevance ############## @property def binary_relevance(self): if self._binary_relevance is None: self._binary_relevance = BinaryRelevance(self._test, self._rel_threshold) return self._binary_relevance
[docs]class AbstractRelevanceSingleton(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_rel(self, user, item): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def logarithmic_ranking_discount(k: int) -> float: """ Method to compute logarithmic discount :param k: :return: """ return 1 / math.log(k + 2) * math.log(2)
[docs]class DiscountedRelevance(AbstractRelevanceSingleton): def __init__(self, test, rel_threshold): self._discounted_relevance = self._compute_user_gain_map(test, rel_threshold)
[docs] def get_user_rel_gains(self, user): return self._discounted_relevance.get(user, {})
[docs] def get_user_rel(self, user): return list(self._discounted_relevance.get(user, {}).keys())
[docs] def get_rel(self, user, item): return self._discounted_relevance.get(user, {}).get(item, 0)
def _compute_user_gain_map(self, test, rel_threshold) -> t.Dict: """ Method to compute the Gain Map: rel = 2**(score - threshold + 1) - 1 :param sorted_item_predictions: :param sorted_item_scores: :param threshold: :return: """ return {u: {i: 2 ** (score - rel_threshold + 1) - 1 for i, score in test_items.items() if score >= rel_threshold} for u, test_items in test.items()}
[docs]class BinaryRelevance(AbstractRelevanceSingleton): def __init__(self, test, rel_threshold): self._binary_relevance = {u: [i for i, r in test_items.items() if r >= rel_threshold] for u, test_items in test.items()}
[docs] def get_user_rel_gains(self, user): return dict.fromkeys(self._binary_relevance.get(user, []), 1)
[docs] def get_user_rel(self, user): return self._binary_relevance.get(user, [])
[docs] def get_rel(self, user, item): return 1 if item in self._binary_relevance.get(user, []) else 0