Source code for elliot.recommender.knn.user_knn.aiolli_ferrari

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 23/10/17
@author: Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema

import pickle

import numpy as np
import time, sys
import scipy.sparse as sp

[docs]def check_matrix(X, format='csc', dtype=np.float32): """ This function takes a matrix as input and transforms it into the specified format. The matrix in input can be either sparse or ndarray. If the matrix in input has already the desired format, it is returned as-is the dtype parameter is always applied and the default is np.float32 :param X: :param format: :param dtype: :return: """ if format == 'csc' and not isinstance(X, sp.csc_matrix): return X.tocsc().astype(dtype) elif format == 'csr' and not isinstance(X, sp.csr_matrix): return X.tocsr().astype(dtype) elif format == 'coo' and not isinstance(X, sp.coo_matrix): return X.tocoo().astype(dtype) elif format == 'dok' and not isinstance(X, sp.dok_matrix): return X.todok().astype(dtype) elif format == 'bsr' and not isinstance(X, sp.bsr_matrix): return X.tobsr().astype(dtype) elif format == 'dia' and not isinstance(X, sp.dia_matrix): return X.todia().astype(dtype) elif format == 'lil' and not isinstance(X, sp.lil_matrix): return X.tolil().astype(dtype) elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray): X = sp.csr_matrix(X, dtype=dtype) X.eliminate_zeros() return check_matrix(X, format=format, dtype=dtype) else: return X.astype(dtype)
[docs]class AiolliSimilarity(object): def __init__(self, data, maxk=40, shrink=100, similarity='cosine', implicit=False, normalize=True, asymmetric_alpha=0.5, tversky_alpha = 1.0, tversky_beta = 1.0, row_weights = None): """ ItemKNN recommender Parameters ---------- user_num : int, the number of users item_num : int, the number of items maxk : int, the max similar items number shrink : float, shrink similarity value similarity : str, way to calculate similarity normalize : bool, whether calculate similarity with normalized value """ self._data = data self._implicit = implicit if self._implicit: self._train_set = data.sp_i_train else: self._train_set = self._data.sp_i_train_ratings self._private_users = self._data.private_users self._public_users = self._data.public_users self._private_items = self._data.private_items self._public_items = self._data.public_items self.user_num = self._data.num_users self.item_num = self._data.num_items self.k = maxk self.shrink = shrink self.normalize = normalize self.similarity = similarity self.asymmetric_alpha = asymmetric_alpha self.tversky_alpha = tversky_alpha self.tversky_beta = tversky_beta self.row_weights = row_weights self.RECOMMENDER_NAME = "UserKNNCFRecommender" # self.pred_mat = None # self.yr = None
[docs] def initialize(self): # self.yr = defaultdict(list) # for _, row in self._train_set.iterrows(): # self.yr[int(row['user'])].append((int(row['item']), row['rating'])) # train = self._convert_df(self.user_num, self.item_num, self._train_set) train = self._train_set.tocsc() cold_user_mask = np.ediff1d(train.tocsc().indptr) == 0 if cold_user_mask.any(): print("{}: Detected {} ({:.2f} %) cold items.".format( self.RECOMMENDER_NAME, cold_user_mask.sum(), cold_user_mask.sum() / len(cold_user_mask) * 100)) similarity = Compute_Similarity(train.T, shrink=self.shrink, topK=self.k, normalize=self.normalize, similarity=self.similarity, asymmetric_alpha=self.asymmetric_alpha, tversky_alpha=self.tversky_alpha, tversky_beta=self.tversky_beta, row_weights=self.row_weights) w_sparse = similarity.compute_similarity() w_sparse = w_sparse.tocsc() # self.pred_mat = self.pred_mat =
[docs] def get_user_recs(self, u, mask, k): user_id = self._data.public_users.get(u) user_recs = self.pred_mat[user_id] # user_items = self._ratings[u].keys() user_recs_mask = mask[user_id] user_recs[~user_recs_mask] = -np.inf indices, values = zip(*[(self._data.private_items.get(u_list[0]), u_list[1]) for u_list in enumerate(user_recs)]) # indices, values = zip(*predictions.items()) indices = np.array(indices) values = np.array(values) local_k = min(k, len(values)) partially_ordered_preds_indices = np.argpartition(values, -local_k)[-local_k:] real_values = values[partially_ordered_preds_indices] real_indices = indices[partially_ordered_preds_indices] local_top_k = real_values.argsort()[::-1] return [(real_indices[item], real_values[item]) for item in local_top_k]
# def get_user_recs(self, user, k=100): # user_items = self._data.train_dict[user].keys() # predictions = {i: self.predict(user, i) for i in self._data.items if i not in user_items} # indices, values = zip(*predictions.items()) # indices = np.array(indices) # values = np.array(values) # local_k = min(k, len(values)) # partially_ordered_preds_indices = np.argpartition(values, -local_k)[-local_k:] # real_values = values[partially_ordered_preds_indices] # real_indices = indices[partially_ordered_preds_indices] # local_top_k = real_values.argsort()[::-1] # return [(real_indices[item], real_values[item]) for item in local_top_k] # def predict(self, u, i): # indexed_user = self._public_users[u] # indexed_item = self._public_items[i] # if indexed_user >= self.user_num or indexed_item >= self.item_num: # raise ValueError('User and/or item is unkown.') # # return self.pred_mat[indexed_user, indexed_item] def _convert_df(self, user_num, item_num, df): """Process Data to make ItemKNN available""" ratings = list(df['rating']) rows = list(df['user']) cols = list(df['item']) mat = sp.csc_matrix((ratings, (rows, cols)), shape=(user_num, item_num)) return mat
[docs] def get_model_state(self): saving_dict = {} saving_dict['_preds'] = self._preds saving_dict['_similarity'] = self._similarity saving_dict['_num_neighbors'] = self._num_neighbors saving_dict['_implicit'] = self._implicit return saving_dict
[docs] def set_model_state(self, saving_dict): self._preds = saving_dict['_preds'] self._similarity = saving_dict['_similarity'] self._num_neighbors = saving_dict['_num_neighbors'] self._implicit = saving_dict['_implicit']
[docs] def load_weights(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as f: self.set_model_state(pickle.load(f))
[docs] def save_weights(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.get_model_state(), f)
[docs]class Compute_Similarity: def __init__(self, dataMatrix, topK=100, shrink=0, normalize=True, asymmetric_alpha=0.5, tversky_alpha=1.0, tversky_beta=1.0, similarity="cosine", row_weights=None): """ Computes the cosine similarity on the columns of dataMatrix If it is computed on URM=|users|x|items|, pass the URM as is. If it is computed on ICM=|items|x|features|, pass the ICM transposed. :param dataMatrix: :param topK: :param shrink: :param normalize: If True divide the dot product by the product of the norms :param row_weights: Multiply the values in each row by a specified value. Array :param asymmetric_alpha Coefficient alpha for the asymmetric cosine :param similarity: "cosine" computes Cosine similarity "adjusted" computes Adjusted Cosine, removing the average of the users "asymmetric" computes Asymmetric Cosine "pearson" computes Pearson Correlation, removing the average of the items "jaccard" computes Jaccard similarity for binary interactions using Tanimoto "dice" computes Dice similarity for binary interactions "tversky" computes Tversky similarity for binary interactions "tanimoto" computes Tanimoto coefficient for binary interactions """ """ Asymmetric Cosine as described in: Aiolli, F. (2013, October). Efficient top-n recommendation for very large scale binary rated datasets. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 273-280). ACM. """ # super(Compute_Similarity_Python, self).__init__() self.shrink = shrink self.normalize = normalize self.n_rows, self.n_columns = dataMatrix.shape self.TopK = min(topK, self.n_columns) self.asymmetric_alpha = asymmetric_alpha self.tversky_alpha = tversky_alpha self.tversky_beta = tversky_beta self.dataMatrix = dataMatrix.copy() self.adjusted_cosine = False self.asymmetric_cosine = False self.pearson_correlation = False self.tanimoto_coefficient = False self.dice_coefficient = False self.tversky_coefficient = False if similarity == "adjusted": self.adjusted_cosine = True elif similarity == "asymmetric": self.asymmetric_cosine = True elif similarity == "pearson": self.pearson_correlation = True elif similarity == "jaccard" or similarity == "tanimoto": self.tanimoto_coefficient = True # Tanimoto has a specific kind of normalization self.normalize = False elif similarity == "dice": self.dice_coefficient = True self.normalize = False elif similarity == "tversky": self.tversky_coefficient = True self.normalize = False elif similarity == "cosine": pass else: raise ValueError("Cosine_Similarity: value for parameter 'mode' not recognized." " Allowed values are: 'cosine', 'pearson', 'adjusted', 'asymmetric', 'jaccard', 'tanimoto'," "dice, tversky." " Passed value was '{}'".format(similarity)) self.use_row_weights = False if row_weights is not None: if dataMatrix.shape[0] != len(row_weights): raise ValueError("Cosine_Similarity: provided row_weights and dataMatrix have different number of rows." "Col_weights has {} columns, dataMatrix has {}.".format(len(row_weights), dataMatrix.shape[0])) self.use_row_weights = True self.row_weights = row_weights.copy() self.row_weights_diag = sp.diags(self.row_weights) self.dataMatrix_weighted =
[docs] def applyAdjustedCosine(self): """ Remove from every data point the average for the corresponding row :return: """ self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csr') interactionsPerRow = np.diff(self.dataMatrix.indptr) nonzeroRows = interactionsPerRow > 0 sumPerRow = np.asarray(self.dataMatrix.sum(axis=1)).ravel() rowAverage = np.zeros_like(sumPerRow) rowAverage[nonzeroRows] = sumPerRow[nonzeroRows] / interactionsPerRow[nonzeroRows] # Split in blocks to avoid duplicating the whole data structure start_row = 0 end_row = 0 blockSize = 1000 while end_row < self.n_rows: end_row = min(self.n_rows, end_row + blockSize)[self.dataMatrix.indptr[start_row]:self.dataMatrix.indptr[end_row]] -= \ np.repeat(rowAverage[start_row:end_row], interactionsPerRow[start_row:end_row]) start_row += blockSize
[docs] def applyPearsonCorrelation(self): """ Remove from every data point the average for the corresponding column :return: """ self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc') interactionsPerCol = np.diff(self.dataMatrix.indptr) nonzeroCols = interactionsPerCol > 0 sumPerCol = np.asarray(self.dataMatrix.sum(axis=0)).ravel() colAverage = np.zeros_like(sumPerCol) colAverage[nonzeroCols] = sumPerCol[nonzeroCols] / interactionsPerCol[nonzeroCols] # Split in blocks to avoid duplicating the whole data structure start_col = 0 end_col = 0 blockSize = 1000 while end_col < self.n_columns: end_col = min(self.n_columns, end_col + blockSize)[self.dataMatrix.indptr[start_col]:self.dataMatrix.indptr[end_col]] -= \ np.repeat(colAverage[start_col:end_col], interactionsPerCol[start_col:end_col]) start_col += blockSize
[docs] def useOnlyBooleanInteractions(self): # Split in blocks to avoid duplicating the whole data structure start_pos = 0 end_pos = 0 blockSize = 1000 while end_pos < len( end_pos = min(len(, end_pos + blockSize)[start_pos:end_pos] = np.ones(end_pos - start_pos) start_pos += blockSize
[docs] def compute_similarity(self, start_col=None, end_col=None, block_size=100): """ Compute the similarity for the given dataset :param self: :param start_col: column to begin with :param end_col: column to stop before, end_col is excluded :return: """ values = [] rows = [] cols = [] start_time = time.time() start_time_print_batch = start_time processedItems = 0 if self.adjusted_cosine: self.applyAdjustedCosine() elif self.pearson_correlation: self.applyPearsonCorrelation() elif self.tanimoto_coefficient or self.dice_coefficient or self.tversky_coefficient: self.useOnlyBooleanInteractions() # We explore the matrix column-wise self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc') # Compute sum of squared values to be used in normalization sumOfSquared = np.array(self.dataMatrix.power(2).sum(axis=0)).ravel() # Tanimoto does not require the square root to be applied if not (self.tanimoto_coefficient or self.dice_coefficient or self.tversky_coefficient): sumOfSquared = np.sqrt(sumOfSquared) if self.asymmetric_cosine: sumOfSquared_to_1_minus_alpha = np.power(sumOfSquared, 2 * (1 - self.asymmetric_alpha)) sumOfSquared_to_alpha = np.power(sumOfSquared, 2 * self.asymmetric_alpha) self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc') start_col_local = 0 end_col_local = self.n_columns if start_col is not None and start_col > 0 and start_col < self.n_columns: start_col_local = start_col if end_col is not None and end_col > start_col_local and end_col < self.n_columns: end_col_local = end_col start_col_block = start_col_local this_block_size = 0 # Compute all similarities for each item using vectorization while start_col_block < end_col_local: end_col_block = min(start_col_block + block_size, end_col_local) this_block_size = end_col_block - start_col_block # All data points for a given item item_data = self.dataMatrix[:, start_col_block:end_col_block] item_data = item_data.toarray().squeeze() # If only 1 feature avoid last dimension to disappear if item_data.ndim == 1: item_data = np.atleast_2d(item_data) if self.use_row_weights: this_block_weights = else: # Compute item similarities this_block_weights = for col_index_in_block in range(this_block_size): if this_block_size == 1: this_column_weights = this_block_weights else: this_column_weights = this_block_weights[:, col_index_in_block] columnIndex = col_index_in_block + start_col_block this_column_weights[columnIndex] = 0.0 # Apply normalization and shrinkage, ensure denominator != 0 if self.normalize: if self.asymmetric_cosine: denominator = sumOfSquared_to_alpha[ columnIndex] * sumOfSquared_to_1_minus_alpha + self.shrink + 1e-6 else: denominator = sumOfSquared[columnIndex] * sumOfSquared + self.shrink + 1e-6 this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights, 1 / denominator) # Apply the specific denominator for Tanimoto elif self.tanimoto_coefficient: denominator = sumOfSquared[columnIndex] + sumOfSquared - this_column_weights + self.shrink + 1e-6 this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights, 1 / denominator) elif self.dice_coefficient: denominator = sumOfSquared[columnIndex] + sumOfSquared + self.shrink + 1e-6 this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights, 1 / denominator) elif self.tversky_coefficient: denominator = this_column_weights + \ (sumOfSquared[columnIndex] - this_column_weights) * self.tversky_alpha + \ (sumOfSquared - this_column_weights) * self.tversky_beta + self.shrink + 1e-6 this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights, 1 / denominator) # If no normalization or tanimoto is selected, apply only shrink elif self.shrink != 0: this_column_weights = this_column_weights / self.shrink # this_column_weights = this_column_weights.toarray().ravel() # Sort indices and select TopK # Sorting is done in three steps. Faster then plain np.argsort for higher number of items # - Partition the data to extract the set of relevant items # - Sort only the relevant items # - Get the original item index relevant_items_partition = (-this_column_weights).argpartition(self.TopK - 1)[0:self.TopK] relevant_items_partition_sorting = np.argsort(-this_column_weights[relevant_items_partition]) top_k_idx = relevant_items_partition[relevant_items_partition_sorting] # Incrementally build sparse matrix, do not add zeros notZerosMask = this_column_weights[top_k_idx] != 0.0 numNotZeros = np.sum(notZerosMask) values.extend(this_column_weights[top_k_idx][notZerosMask]) rows.extend(top_k_idx[notZerosMask]) cols.extend(np.ones(numNotZeros) * columnIndex) # Add previous block size processedItems += this_block_size if time.time() - start_time_print_batch >= 30 or end_col_block == end_col_local: columnPerSec = processedItems / (time.time() - start_time + 1e-9) print("Similarity column {} ( {:2.0f} % ), {:.2f} column/sec, elapsed time {:.2f} min".format( processedItems, processedItems / (end_col_local - start_col_local) * 100, columnPerSec, (time.time() - start_time) / 60)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() start_time_print_batch = time.time() start_col_block += block_size # End while on columns W_sparse = sp.csr_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=(self.n_columns, self.n_columns), dtype=np.float32) return W_sparse