elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.arp package


elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.arp.arp module

This is the implementation of the Average Recommendation Popularity metric. It proceeds from a user-wise computation, and average the values over the users.

class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.arp.arp.ARP(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Average Recommendation Popularity

This class represents the implementation of the Average Recommendation Popularity recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {ARP}=\frac{1}{\left|U_{t}\right|} \sum_{u \in U_{t}} \frac{\sum_{i \in L_{u}} \phi(i)}{\left|L_{u}\right|}\]

\(U_{t}\) is the number of users in the test set.

\(L_{u}\) is the recommended list of items for user u.

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [ARP]

Evaluation function :return: the overall averaged value of ARP

static name()[source]

Metric Name Getter :return: returns the public name of the metric

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