Source code for elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.pop_rsp.extended_pop_rsp

This is the implementation of the Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity (RSP) metric.
It proceeds from a user-wise computation, and average the values over the users.

__version__ = '0.3.1'
__author__ = 'Vito Walter Anelli, Claudio Pomo, Alejandro Bellogín'
__email__ = ',,'

import operator

import numpy as np
from elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric import BaseMetric

[docs]class ExtendedPopRSP(BaseMetric): r""" Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity This class represents the implementation of the Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity (RSP) recommendation metric. For further details, please refer to the `paper <>`_ To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern: .. code:: yaml complex_metrics: - metric: ExtendedPopRSP """ def __init__(self, recommendations, config, params, eval_objects, additional_data): """ Constructor :param recommendations: list of recommendations in the form {user: [(item1,value1),...]} :param config: SimpleNameSpace that represents the configuration of the experiment :param params: Parameters of the model :param eval_objects: list of objects that may be useful for the computation of the different metrics """ super().__init__(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects, additional_data) self._cutoff = self._evaluation_objects.cutoff self._pop_ratio = self._additional_data.get("pop_ratio", 0.8) self._pop_obj = self._evaluation_objects.pop.get_custom_pop_obj(self._pop_ratio) self._short_head = set(self._pop_obj.get_short_head()) self._long_tail = set(self._pop_obj.get_long_tail()) self._train = self._num = [] self._den = []
[docs] @staticmethod def name(): """ Metric Name Getter :return: returns the public name of the metric """ return "ExtendedPopRSP"
def __user_pop_rsp(self, user_recommendations, cutoff, long_tail, short_head, u_train): """ Per User Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity (RSP) :param user_recommendations: list of user recommendation in the form [(item1,value1),...] :param cutoff: numerical threshold to limit the recommendation list :param user_relevant_items: list of user relevant items in the form [item1,...] :return: the value of the Average Recommendation Popularity metric for the specific user """ recommended_items = set([i for i, _ in user_recommendations[:cutoff]]) num_h = len(recommended_items & short_head) num_t = len(recommended_items & long_tail) den_h = len(short_head-u_train) den_t = len(long_tail-u_train) return num_h, num_t, den_h, den_t
[docs] def eval(self): """ Evaluation function :return: the overall averaged value of PopRSP """ for u, u_r in self._recommendations.items(): num_h, num_t, den_h, den_t = self.__user_pop_rsp(u_r, self._cutoff, self._long_tail, self._short_head, set(self._train[u].keys())) self._num.append([num_h, num_t]) self._den.append([den_h, den_t]) self._num = np.sum(np.array(self._num), axis = 0) self._den = np.sum(np.array(self._den), axis = 0) pr = self._num / self._den return np.std(pr)/np.mean(pr)