
Elliot integrates the following bias metrics.


aclt.aclt.ACLT(recommendations, config, …)

Average coverage of long tail items

aplt.aplt.APLT(recommendations, config, …)

Average percentage of long tail items

arp.arp.ARP(recommendations, config, params, …)

Average Recommendation Popularity

pop_reo.pop_reo.PopREO(recommendations, …)

Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity


Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity

pop_rsp.pop_rsp.PopRSP(recommendations, …)

Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity


Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity


class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.aclt.aclt.ACLT(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Average coverage of long tail items

This class represents the implementation of the Average coverage of long tail items recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {ACLT}=\frac{1}{\left|U_{t}\right|} \sum_{u \in U_{f}} \sum_{i \in L_{u}} 1(i \in \Gamma)\]

\(U_{t}\) is the number of users in the test set.

\(L_{u}\) is the recommended list of items for user u.

\(1(i \in \Gamma)\) is an indicator function and it equals to 1 when i is in Gamma.

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [ACLT]


class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.aplt.aplt.APLT(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Average percentage of long tail items

This class represents the implementation of the Average percentage of long tail items recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {ACLT}=\frac{1}{\left|U_{t}\right|} \sum_{u \in U_{t}} \frac{|\{i, i \in(L(u) \cap \sim \Phi)\}|}{|L(u)|}\]

\(U_{t}\) is the number of users in the test set.

\(L_{u}\) is the recommended list of items for user u.

\(\sim \Phi\) medium-tail items.

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [APLT]


class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.arp.arp.ARP(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Average Recommendation Popularity

This class represents the implementation of the Average Recommendation Popularity recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {ARP}=\frac{1}{\left|U_{t}\right|} \sum_{u \in U_{t}} \frac{\sum_{i \in L_{u}} \phi(i)}{\left|L_{u}\right|}\]

\(U_{t}\) is the number of users in the test set.

\(L_{u}\) is the recommended list of items for user u.

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [ARP]


class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.pop_reo.pop_reo.PopREO(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity

This class represents the implementation of the Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity (REO) recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {REO}=\frac{{std}\left(P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{1}, y=1\right) \ldots P\left(R(a) k=g_{A}, y=1\right)\right)} {{mean}\left(P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{1}, y=1\right) \ldots P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{A}, y=1\right)\right)}\]

\(P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{a}, y=1\right) = \frac{\sum_{u=1}^{N} \sum_{i=1}^{k} G_{g_{a}}\left(R_{u, i}\right) Y\left(u, R_{u, i}\right)} {\sum_{u=1}^{N} \sum_{i \in I \backslash I_{u}^{+}} G_{g_{a}}(i) Y(u, i)}\)

\(Y\left(u, R_{u, i}\right)\) identifies the ground-truth label of a user-item pair left(u, R_{u, i}right), if item R_{u, i} is liked by user 𝑢, returns 1, otherwise 0

\(\sum_{i=1}^{k} G_{g_{a}}\left(R_{u, i}\right) Y\left(u, R_{u, i}\right)\) counts how many items in test set from group {g_a} are ranked in top-𝑘 for user u

\(\sum_{i \in I \backslash I_{u}^{+}} G_{g_{a}}(i) Y(u, i)\) counts the total number of items from group {g_a} 𝑎 in test set for user u

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [PopREO]

Extended PopREO

class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.pop_reo.extended_pop_reo.ExtendedPopREO(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects, additional_data)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity

This class represents the implementation of the Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity (REO) recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

- metric: ExtendedPopREO


class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.pop_rsp.pop_rsp.PopRSP(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity

This class represents the implementation of the Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity (RSP) recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

\[\mathrm {RSP}=\frac{{std}\left(P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{1}\right), \ldots, P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{A}\right)\right)} {{mean}\left(P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{1}\right), \ldots, P\left(R @ k \mid g=g_{A}\right)\right)}\]

:math P(R @ k mid g=g_{A})) = frac{sum_{u=1}^{N} sum_{i=1}^{k} G_{g_{a}}(R_{u, i})} {sum_{u=1}^{N} sum_{i in I backslash I_{u}^{+}} G_{g_{a}}(i)}

\(\sum_{i=1}^{k} G_{g_{a}}\left(R_{u, i}\right)\) calculates how many un-interacted items from group {g_a} are ranked in top-𝑘 for user u.

\(\sum_{i \in I \backslash I_{u}^{+}} G_{g_{a}}(i)\) calculates how many un-interacted items belong to group {g_a} for u

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

simple_metrics: [PopRSP]

Extended PopRSP

class elliot.evaluation.metrics.bias.pop_rsp.extended_pop_rsp.ExtendedPopRSP(recommendations, config, params, eval_objects, additional_data)[source]

Bases: elliot.evaluation.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric

Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity

This class represents the implementation of the Extended Popularity-based Ranking-based Statistical Parity (RSP) recommendation metric.

For further details, please refer to the paper

To compute the metric, add it to the config file adopting the following pattern:

- metric: ExtendedPopRSP